ABS pump unit:
Opel 4418997 Vauxhall
GM 93863443
ABS control module:
4418993, 93196712
Linked Vehicles:
Opel Vivaro Vauxhall
Condition: used, tested, fully functional.
Reference numbers:
4418997, 44-18-997, 93863443
4418993, 44-18-993, 93196712
Anti-lock braking system: control, module, bloc, hydraulic, pump, hydro, unit, modulator, ecu, controller, brake, actuator.
If you are not sure whether the ABS control unit fits your vehicle, please let us know the chassis number of your vehicle. We then check on the basis of the chassis number whether the ABS control unit is suitable for your vehicle.
We give all used parts 12 months warranty.
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